Sunday, April 28, 2019

Review Diaries (Divyastra by Nimish Bipin Tanna)

Name of the book - Divyastra by Nimish Bipin Tanna
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars and a big bag of candies.
My take on the book -
So I love mythology and I simply adore retelling. So now imagine a retelling with a twist set in the modern times. I was in cloud 9, heck I almost lost my job over this book. I just couldn't put it down and took it with me to the office. And then my boss found me reading this one with such major concentration that she came back an hour later to give me a piece of her mind. But I got saved by the book again, she was mesmerized by it and I ordered one for her too.
The characters are so real and well rounded that you will get a clear picture of every scenario. And the stories are entertaining. Me really likey! And the cover gets extra love. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Review Diaries (Stories Are Magical by Abhirup Dhar)

Name of the book - Stories Are Magical by Abhirup Dhar.
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars.
My take on the book -
6 short stories and all of them very different from each other... I really enjoyed it.
My favorite was Once Upon A Ghost. All the stories were not only interesting but the best part you will never guess where the story will take you in the end.
Loved the narration. This is the second book I am reading by the author and trust me when I say it his story telling is fun. I am very filmy in nature and I found his work endearing.
QOTD- Say one thing about yourself that I don't know! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Review Diaries (Prisoner of Yakutsk : The Subhash Chandra Bose Mystery Final Chapter by Shreyas Bhave)

Name of the book -Prisoner of Yakutsk : The Subhash Chandra Bose Mystery Final Chapter by Shreyas Bhave
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars
My take on the book -
For someone who used to not like history much I did like this one a lot. It is just that we do not like having stories that don't have a proper ending. And this is one tale in history that we do feel like we lack closure in. This facts meets fiction take on such a historical personality made my day.
The narration is amazingly done. It gives you a very clear idea and there's no excess of even a single word.
So if you are looking for a book that takes you on an adventure, then this is the book for you. It thrills and sends chills down your spine. I looooooooooooved it.
I will recommend it to everyone who likes to enjoy a story that gives you something to hold on to even when it is done.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Review Diaries (They Go To Sleep by Saugata Chakraborty)

Name of the book - They Go to Sleep by Saugata Chakraborty
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars.
My take on the book -
For those of you who enjoy small bite sized entertainment stories this is a perfect read. 12 amazingly crisp short stories that are intriguing and to the point. Since I am someone who loves a good amount of info about everything going around my characters this was kinda something that made me feel a bit forlorn, like where did the rest of the story go.... Can I hear some more? And since I finished the entire thing on my bus ride home, you can understand the reason of me calling it perfect bite sized entertainment.
And the cover is to die for. Honest confession it was the cover that made me go for this book and I was so not disappointed with the results.
QOTD- Series or stand alones? 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Review Diaries (SADHANA Who Stalked Her? By Spandana Chakradhar)

Name of the book - SADHANA Who Stalked Her? By Spandana Chakradhar
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars and a big Ohhhh My Gawd Janice style.
My take on the book -
I loved it. No that's not true. I really loved it, like a lot. You see this is one of those books that make you feel wait what just happened!!!
It's one of those books that make you go back to the beginning after you have finished it already.
Cause that's what I did.
I finished this in under 2 hours and then I went back. And since the second time around what was what I let it rip. There might have been some  shouting at the screen and some poking the screen with the pointy end of my nails. But I will not say sorry...
Trust me you will understand what I mean when you read this one too.
The narrative was nice and the language is simple but I would like for it to get a good edit.
QOTD- Any thriller you wanna be part of in real life? 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Review Diaries (Walk the Wire: A 21st Century Guide for Millennials to Find Balance and Accomplish Their Goals by Vivek S Ishtar)

Name of the book - Walk the Wire: A 21st Century Guide for Millennials to Find Balance and Accomplish Their Goals by Vivek S Ishwar
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars.
My take on the book -
So before I start I need to tell you all something, I as a person shy away from non-fiction. It's just too much reality for me. I mean come on, day in and day out I need to face reality and all the other disasters. Like adulting and insecurities and big grown up betrayal and what not. Books are for me a place where I find peace, where all becomes well in the end and everyone lives happily ever after. Well until the next problem hits and it's again all hands in board and then the day gets saved. Yeah I know that's not the reality of live but I read to escape this tiring situations. So imagine me gushing over a non-fiction, a self-help book at that one. Trust me, you havta havta havta try it out. Cause a. Its not all don't do this and don't do that. It finds a situation, all of which are relatable somehow or other and then the core problem gets figured out. Then comes b. Then the beast gets handled, all proper and forever. See it's that simple. So this one is a must read for everyone.
QOTD - One advice you would give to your 12 year self.
AOTD - Don't expect or assume. Believe and have faith. And stop forgetting things, write them down if need be.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Review Diaries (Love Making Experience by Victoria Kirby)

Name of the book - Love Making Experience by Victoria Kirby
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars.
My take on the book -
Do you keep a journal?
If yes then imagine having a journal that does a lot more than just hear you rant or rave bit also asks the right questions like a fellow best friend.
It talks about your past and also about your expectations about the future.
So imagine having a heart to heart with your very own personal friend and the best part no one can know your secrets.
This was a very interesting journal.