Saturday, May 9, 2020

Review Diaries (DIANA THE VOICE OF CHANGE: Revelations About Diana's Life PrinciplesSTEWART PEARCE)

Name of the book - DIANA THE VOICE OF CHANGE: Revelations About Diana's Life Principles
Stars given - 4 on 5 stars.
My take on the book-
Growing up, I never wanted to be a princess but a queen, very graceful yet charismatic.
Yes, I did wanna be her, so no points for guessing that I would choose to read this one as soon as I found out about it from a very dear friend.
I was seven years old when I saw one of the most grand walks, but little did I know it was actually a final procession.
Now coming back to the book, it talks about everything ones wants to know or already does know about one the most talked about princess of all times. I don't know about you but I always imagined a Queen to be like her, follower of traditions yet blazing her own path as well.
It is said that she broke the royal protocol and chose to stay with her son in the hospital, rather than follow the rules and leave about checking up on him. She participated in her son's school activities and even chose to run in the race with the other mothers. Unlike all the fiction shows we have seen, where in order for the greater good and also to hide embarrassment of the family women chose to stay with an unfaithful husband rather than divorce him but that isn't what she chose to do. She didn't go for the easy way and enjoy the life of luxury but opted to go for love.
There are very few people in the world I admire as much as I adore her. The book is written in very simple language and the style is very lucid. Essentially in three chapters it's talked about a lot of points, even though a few of the things I heard in the book were something that I didn't hear before.
Quick question- Shout out to all the real life hero Women, in my life and yours.

1 comment:

  1. that is a very well written review, keep up the good job :)
