Thursday, May 17, 2018

Office Diaries Part 2

Am I the only one or does it happen to everyone, once in a while?
When office feels like a mad house with no end to be seen for what seems to be in the near future or ever and then there are other times when the only thing going around is well, ahem ignore my French but a big fat nothing. In the second case its a day that keeps on dragging and dragging and then some more of the previous mentioned dragging. You don't even have the energy to think or knock your brain with enough power to make it search for better words let alone write it.
So yeah, on this wonderful dragging drag of a dragtastic drag day, I am feeling bored out of mind. Don't get me wrong, I am one of those self-proclaimed narcissistic loners who can talk to myself (in my mind obviously) till the cows come home. But today it's just not happening, so i have decided that now I am going to do something that I promised myself I will never ever do. I will let my mind do its worst, kill all sorts of people whom I don't like in the office, write my head off about all things mindlessly unimportant and of course text random trivias to my friends, all on company time. You see some years back, many companies in Japan have started this new system where they give their non-smoking employees an extra 6 days of paid holidays every year. The reason, I know you didn't ask but I will say it any way, cause I am bored. So again, the reason is the simple fact that the smoking employees enjoy many smoking breaks through out the day, while the non-smokers are not so lucky. They suffer from passive smoking and work more minutes than the other groups, so Booo to the smokers. But now there is the 6 days of holidays that make up for all the lost minutes. May this can be used as an incentive now for the smokers to give up smoking. Its cost effective , healthy and you get time off!!!
So it's a Win-Win-Win situation.
Yeah I am pretty sure my English Professors are all rolling in their metaphorical graves, for I have finally lost my mind and am writing random stuffs.
But then again it was this or plunging a pen in my neck with the hope that it finds a vein big enough to cause some damage and slowly watch myself bleed out.
I guess mindless rambling is better.
Ps in other news creepy phone stalker is giving me mean looks, one of these days I will give him a maniac like smile just to see him die of a heartattack, but that I am afraid has to be a story of a different day. For now this is Manali Dey signing off cause my boss's boss is coming my way. Work Mode on!!!

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