Friday, October 12, 2018

Review Diaries (Horse Town by Moshank Relia)

Remember the time when life was simpler?
When the villains of the stories we heard were put down with magic?
When things were all black and white and no gray could be seen?
That's what this story will remind you of.
That family is not made by blood or by being related to. It's what is in your heart.
It's about caring for the other person without any thought for our own well being. And when you have this kind of blind devotion for someone, many a times one tends to take a miss step or two. Even though their heart is in the right place and they do it out of the goodness of their soul and keeping in mind the greater good. It's hard to not hold this against them.
But what as grown ups we tend to forget is that family is everything and when you make someone your family, your own, you make a promise to accept them with all their warts and boils and big heart. You have to forgive them and love them as you did before, but that doesn't mean you don't make them understand what they did wrong in the first place.
Horse Town which is written and illustrated by Moshank Relia is beautiful in all the ways that count. It's a book that can and should be read by kids and grown ups alike. Kids so that they learn a few good qualities like selfless behavior and putting your loved one's needs before you at times, while the grown-ups will enjoy a sense of nostalgia and realize that sometimes the best way to learn something right is to get it wrong the first time around.
I for one loved it. It was sweet and absolutely beautiful.
I will be gifting my nephew one soon and one for my Mom too. So if that doesn't tell you how much I loved it, here's me Manali Dey giving Horse Town a perfect 5 stars out of 5 stars and a big box of chocolates and a warm hug. Thanks for bringing back a big part of my childhood.

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