Friday, January 25, 2019

Review Diaries (The Watchmaker and Time by Devang Kanavia)

Book- The Watchmaker and Time by Devang Kanavia
Status - Read and Liked a lot.
QOTD - How's your relationship with your grandparents?
AOTD - My grandparents played a big part in shaping my life, personality and childhood. I owe me being a decent human being to them and also my Mimi (love you Momma)
So the book starts with a over active kid waiting patiently for her grandfather to fix her watch or at least she is trying to hold still. I mean we all have been in her place and boy oh boy I still find it hard to sit down quietly for more than 5 minutes at a stretch.
This is kid questions anything and everything under the sun and she reminds me of me. Honestly this book made me remember my antics with my grandparents. I loved it. But this isn't just a simple story about grandparents and grandchildren,it's about life in a very macro level. It's about time, from start to finish to back again. It's about what actually may be going on. Ever wondered how our lives came into being? Like the basic part of our lives, time, how that has come into life? How?
Well this book will give you a very simple, sweet, short but profound way of understanding it all. So yeaps it's been a wonderful read.
Ps it's been so great that I am reading this before my exam, wish me luck.
And before I forget I wanna give The Watchmaker and Time by Devang Kanavia a big 5 on 5 with a fluff of candy floss(my favorite candy that I never share with others) and thank you @writersmelon for this one. Sending lots of love and warm wishes to everyone.

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