Thursday, August 8, 2019

Review Diaries (Knotty Affairs by Chirag Bagadia)

Name of the book - Knotty Affairs by Chirag Bagadia
Stars given - 4 on 5 stars.
My take on the book-
So there are two things I like in a book, one is drama and the second is even more drama.
And this book had it in pools.
The narrative was fun and very fast paced in the first half but in the second half of the book it dragged a bit for me.
And being someone who is very close to her parents I can not imagine a time when I can think of leaving them.
I know I sound silly and immature but that's me and this is my life.
Coming back to the story, I don't think I can ever be with someone who isn't close to his parents. I am super duper close to mine, so yeaps that will be a deal breaker for me.
QOTD - What's your take?

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