Thursday, October 17, 2019

Review Diaries (The Anonymous By Nidhi Kukreja)

Book - The Anonymous
Author - Nidhi Kukreja
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars.
My take on the book-
Ever read a book that gave you goosebumps?
Well this one did it for me.
This is not just about a girl who was kidnapped and later brutalized and her journey to get her life back on track, it's a lot more.
This is a thriller, through and through, and anyone who has a thing for them will enjoy them.
This book was one hell of a rollercoaster emotional journey for me. There were times I cried and my heart broke, while at other times I wanted to go inside the book and rip someone's head off.
I just had one tiny problem with the book, and that is that there were times where the language seemed like a direct translation from Hindi and that sorta was a tad bit off putting, but the story and the twists were so good that you will feel free to ignore them.
Kudos to the Author.

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