Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Review Diaries (Daughters of the Bothel by Deepak Yadav)

Name of the book- Daughters of the Bothel by Deepak Yadav.
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars.
My take on the book-
I started reading this book and I kid you not it scared me to tears. I was reading and brawling my eyes out the entire time and the scariest part of it all is that this isn't exactly fiction, but someone's reality.
In the beginning of this year, I was part of a play which was based on the life of a woman of the night. Back then too I cried and lamented the fact that women were tricked and sold like objects.
The book talks about girls are young as 11 year olds being sold off. My heart broke for them and I kid you not it still feels unreal. 
Someone betraying their loved ones and selling them off…
Then the people who buy them force them to grow up in more ways than one.
It's torture, utter true torture.
I am speechless and utterly devastated about it all.
I don't have any question for today.
I don't know how to make things right.
My prayers go out for anyone and everyone who needs them.

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