Sunday, September 1, 2019

Review Diaries (Fighting With My Inner Demons by Smita Singh)

Name of the book - Fighting With My Inner Demons by Smita Singh.
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars and a big hug to anyone who needs it.
My take on the book-
In a world filled with big bads, I am glad to tell you that there are amazing peps out there as well.
I am going through a bit of a melancholic period, with my kinda dream job falling through but I learnt one good thing and that is that I have a lot of well wishers in my life.
Many of my friends have reached out and sent their love and warmth and so did a stranger.
I am doing better and this book couldn't have come at a better time for me.
You see the big bads you can see but sometimes it's your own demons that need to be destroyed.
This book goes a long way to do it.
Ps as I always say, I am just a text or a phone call away for anyone who needs a hug or a non-judgemental conversation.

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