Monday, September 30, 2019

Review Diaries (The Speaking Stone by Ratnadip Acharya)

Name of the book - The Speaking Stone by Ratnadip Acharya.
Stars given - 5 on 5 stars.
My take on the book-
So imagine reading a mystery.
You did?
Now imagine reading one that you can actually relate to…
Aha. This is the same problem I have with most mysteries, they are based on places that, well I have not been to.
Coming back to the story, it starts of in a very every day kind of a way but then baam… everything kinda happens one after the other and you are glued to your seat and your alarm clock is saying it's time to wake up.
The story aptly named The Speaking Stone, is about how the said stone brings people together and effects their lives.
I remember being 10 year old and wanting to find out vampires in my city. Needless to say this trip to my own nostalgia Lane has made me a tad bit partial to this one.
PS do you have any such book that reminds you of your good old days?

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